Adultery – Because your genitals are not your own.

So…you’ve said your I dos. Now what? What’s changed? Well if you’re a Christian then a lot has changed. If you’re not a Christian then the following may not apply to you. To be more specific. As a Christian there are things about marriage that you agree to as part of your faith that you might not be agreeing to otherwise.

Well as a husband you’re job is to be the leader. Notice I said leader, and not tyrant. Get that straight guys. You’re supposed to lead your wife like Christ leads the church. So if you’ll sacrifice everything up to and including dying for her then since you’re willing to pay the cost you get to be the boss, and it’s a boss that leads by serving not by giving orders. Ephesians 5:25 says…

That’s a pretty high standard to keep, but if you really love her then she’s worth it. That also means you are loving your wife unconditionally. If she puts on a few pounds then you still love her. If she does something wrong then you still love her. You don’t use your love like a weapon. You don’t get to suddenly cut her off the moment she inconveniences you. That’s not love. Like the bible passage says:

So you guys know what you should be doing, and ladies. You have some responsibilities yourself. That whole submitting to your husbands. That’s not just a suggestion that you get to take or leave. That’s the rule. Now submission doesn’t mean slave. Get that straight in your head. Your husband gets to lead you, but he doesn’t get to control you. Those are two different things. If he tries to make you do something that goes against God or to do something illegal then you have the right to say no. If he tries to make you do something that goes against every fiber of your being then you have the right to say no, but otherwise during just day to day stuff…as long as he has your best interest in mind then quit complaining and do your job ladies. Get yourself in line and let the man run the show. Arguing at every point along the way isn’t being a good Christian wife. It’s being a pain in the ass. He deserves better than that.

Now that we’ve got the basics out of the way there’s just one other detail that you need to know. Your genitals are not your own. Guys…you know that joke about how your wives carry their husbands balls in their purse. Effectively you should consider that true. Ladies…your vagina. He owns that. That’s his. If it helps get a sharpie and write property of (insert their name) right over it with an arrow pointing down at your genitals. Not only will this help remind you if you have a bad habit of forgetting. It’ll run off any people you might be forgetting that fact with. Also…if your partner sees it then you might just get a wild night of passion out of the deal. So win-win-win.

Now when I say the genitals aren’t yours, and that they belong to your partner I really mean that you are not yours anymore. You belong to them, and they belong to you, but for simplicity sake remember your groin is not your own. 1 Corinthians 7:4 says…

So keep in mind from now on your body isn’t your own. They own it. So giving it to someone else is just the same as stealing from your partner, and let’s be honest…

So that leads us to Adultery. It’s not just an unfaithfulness although that part alone is terrible. It’s stealing. You have taken something that no longer belongs solely to you, and you’ve given it to a stranger. Think about anything else in your home. You wouldn’t just take your wife’s car and give it to some girl you just met because she had nice breasts and no gag reflex, and trust me…your wife cares more about your body than she cares about that car, and if she doesn’t then you married the wrong damn woman. Ladies…you wouldn’t just take your husband’s motorcycle and hand it over to a strange man just because he looks good in some jeans and he promised to find out how many licks it took to get to your center and make you pop. Trust me, he cares way more about you than he does about that motorcycle, and if he doesn’t…then you married the wrong damn man.

So why would you even consider giving away something your partner values way more than any other thing they have…you. You are more valuable to your partner than any television, car, house, clothes, or anything else you can think of. You are more than those things to them. Remember what they promised. There is nothing else on earth that a man or woman chooses to join themselves to. Two people have chosen to become one flesh. There is no other bond as important as that. There is nothing on Earth as valuable to a Christian man as his wife, and there is nothing as valuable to a Christian woman as her husband. Even children…as magical and wonderful as they are will grow up and go away to their own lives where they will leave their parents to join with someone else and become something else. So the closest bond you should ever have in life is that with your husband or wife. It’s not a joke when it was said the two become one flesh. Therefore anything you do to yourself, you are also doing to your partner, and anything they do to themselves they are doing to you. So when you commit adultery you are violating your partner. They have every right to be furious. You’ve taken what was theirs, the most important thing in the world to them which is you, and you’ve just tossed it away to someone else. They deserve better than that.

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